Review: Whiting Bay Golf Course on the Isle of Arran


Some friends have been saying for a long while that as I do so much travelling, why don’t I write about that as well as all the tech and media I talk about.

Well, in the first in a series of travel reviews about our recent trip to the fabulous Scottish Isle of Arran, here’s a taster of the couple of hours I spent at the Whiting Bay Golf Course on the south east of the island.

At 20 miles long and 10 miles wide, you wouldn’t have expected to find SEVEN golf courses on Arran. But as the ferry trundles towards it from Ardrossan, you can’t help but see the adverts talking about the fabulous views and hospitality that awaits all ages and proficiencies of the great game of golf.

Last Sunday, I took the opportunity to let my wife – Ashley – do a spot of reading on the balcony of our lovely B&B – Ellangowan House – while I trotted off to thwack 9 holes for the bargain “after 4pm” price of £10!

I had rung up earlier to book a tee. I asked if they hired out clubs and was told, “We can give you a set for free but they aren’t very good!”

Replying that neither was my golf, I duly turned up at the allotted hour.

The lady behind the bar was very helpful in showing me a 10 hole route that would get me back to the clubhouse in time for a pint of Arran Ale before she clocked off for the evening.

So off I went.

Now I’m no Monty, but I managed to keep in single figures for all the holes which are mostly par 3s and 4s.

One hole called “The Plateau” was an incredible ride. Just 81 yards, it called for a skied shot “up and over” with very little room for error.

Suffice to say it got the better of me as I over-egged it a couple of times before landing a few feet away from the pin for an embarrassing 7!

The main wow-factor of this course is not that it’s just so well maintained and while I was there, virtually empty, but that the views are simply stunning.

IMAG0258 Stitch

Click on the above panorama which I made with Windows Live Photo Gallery to see just how beautiful the sight from the top of the course is.

Being on my own with not a soul around, it took me about 80 minutes trudging up and down to finish the recommended ten holes, none of which disappointed.

Back in the clubhouse, I was warned not to let Ashley know it was the highlight of my holiday so far, and settle down to a well earned beer!


I can honestly see a return trip to Arran for a seven courses in seven days adventure.

It’s not often you get such value for money in quality of course and scenery to boot!

One Comment

  • Evan

    Nice Mel!! Glad you got out to play! I still have my Tommy Armour book you gave me – love it. Hope to join you for the 7 rounds in 7 days.

    Reply Posted 15 years ago

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