Lee Odden on Social Media Marketing at PubCon 2009


I couldn’t make it to PubCon this year, but with so many bloggers and video folks there, you are never very far from the action online.

One of my fave Social Media folks is Lee Odden who writes for TopRankBlog and in this 4 min interview with Mike McDonald from WebProNews, Lee talks about whether social media should be a direct marketing tactic, building relationships, branding.

“It’s not a silver bullet, it’s a method of communicating a message.”


  • Lee Odden

    Thanks Mel, glad you liked it!

    Reply Posted 15 years ago
  • Social Media for the Rest of Us - December 18th, 2009 | In The Loop

    […] about limiting their recession-decimated marketing spending only on proven outlets. According to Lee Odden from TopRank Online Marketing, you can’t measure the medium, because it’s not a strategy.  Or as he puts it […]

    Posted 15 years ago
  • TopRank Digital Marketing News 121509 — Newsroom

    […] Mel Carson – Lee Odden on Social Media at Pubcon 2009. Mel Carson is a Community Manager at Microsoft and blogged about a video interview with TopRank CEO Lee Odden at WebmasterWorld Pubcon on social media. […]

    Posted 11 years ago

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