HealthVault & How To Pulled A Hamstring Playing Cricket


I tore my hamstring yesterday while playing cricket!

Turning to make another run and I slipped on the wet wicket. As I got up and pushed off my right foot, my hamstring went pop and a bolt of pain went up leg.

Somehow I manage to hobble the next 15 yards but in agony, collapsing in a heap but thankfully not run out!

I “retired hurt” and had to be carried off the pitch 🙁

Anyway, not having clue what I should do I checked out HealthVault


It’s got a load of cool features and is badged as “putting you in control of your health information.”

But I just like it for looking up stuff, finding out what a condition or disease is and what kind of treatment you can expect.


Needless to say I’ll be on the phisio’s table in the morning! 🙂


  • Bryan Eisenberg

    I hope you feel better soon. Popping a hamstring sucks. That’s the Brooklyn technical term BTW.

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • Michelle

    Mel, this sounds like a fake injury to get out of seeing co-workers visiting from the states, eh?

    j/k—hope you feel better soon!

    Reply Posted 17 years ago

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