In November, I gave the keynote speech at a gathering of financial advisors in the UK.
The brief was to inspire the assembled into thinking more creatively about how to use digital to get their clients to save and invest more.
I was very honest and told them it’d taken me until my 40’s to actually take some advice on my financial future. Sure I had a few pensions I’d been paying into during my time at Microsoft and before, but I’d never taken the time to understand life insurance or really figure out what I needed to do in order to retire at 60 as I’m kidding myself I’d like to.
During the question and answer session after my speech I was asked what I’d do if I was marketing financial services, so I said I’d tell some stories through video and online that actually resonated with the target audience of twenty-something’s instead of trotting out boring forecasts of how little I was going to have to spend in 25 years time.

Enter who recently created The Chase ad that I just spotted on TV this weekend and others like this, just as brilliant, spot called The Game.
The website is excellent with sections with helpful advice on budgeting, goal setting, spending and taxes.
It uses simple and easy language to understand the issues and provides accessible solutions to get you on the right track.
There’s even a site dedicated to Tweens!
Created by the American Institute of CPAs and the Advertising Council here in the US, I think it is a fantastic campaign and something I’d wished I’d had access to all those years ago when I were but a wee lad!