Photos Archive

Photo: Seattle Skyline at Sunrise


As we set off for our trip to Victoria BC on the Clipper, I ran upstairs on deck and took these dramatic photos of the Seattle skyline.


Quite by chance, I managed to get the entire vista just as the sun was peeking over the top of the buildings with my Panasonic Lumix G2 camera.


I also whipped out my Windows Phone and snapped the above…


….using the fab Apict App to create the above.

So many people who don’t live here seem to think Seattle is a dreary, rainy city. These photos show it’s not!

Microsoft Store in Seattle’s U-Village is Impressive


OK, you know I work for the company, but that doesn’t mean I’m always rah-rah, especially given my under-stated Britishness. Winking smile

But Ashley, Maggie and I made a lunchtime trip down to Seattle’s University Village shopping mall to take a look at the new store that opened yesterday.



Josh LaBelle Meets President Obama at The Paramount


One of the nicest people I know is my brother-in-law, Josh LaBelle.

Josh is married to Ashley’s sister, Colleen, and runs the Seattle Theatre Group which includes the Paramount, Moore and Neptune theatres in the city.

A couple of weeks ago, Barak Obama was in town for a whirlwind visit, which included a fundraising lunch at The Paramount.

Josh got to meet him backstage and said he was delightful!

I’ve never met a head of state, although I was looking at some leather wallets in a tent at the Windsor Horse Show in 1997 and heard a familiar voice next to me ask the local craftsmen, “Do you make these yourselves?”

It was The Queen of England!

Social Media Infographic on MSN Word-of-Mouth


So this is the longest post I’ve ever written! Winking smile

Above is a snazzy infographic our US team designed to demonstrate how “social” the MSN audience is.

In advertising world dominated by the buzz around social media, and budgets drifting that way from “traditional” digital channels, it’s important to show that stalwarts like MSN still have the necessary clout to start and prolong word-of-mouth discussion about consumer products and services.

Read the blog post here where you can get our social media/word-of-mouth research paper.

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