I’ve not written about this awesome little program on my blog until now.
No reason other than I suppose I forget sometimes that although I write a lot on the adCenter Blog, there are other channels I can talk about the great work our teams at Microsoft do.
In a nutshell the Microsoft adCenter Excel Add In Keyword Research Tool lets you plug in a keyword and assess how many people search using that word in a given time period.
It will also tell you what other searches contained that term.
So not just “camera” but also “digital camera” “SLR Camera” “Camera Stores in Cardiff” or “my camera oh oh, my camera never lies anymore” (assuming people are looking for Bucks Fizz lyrics!)
The killer app for me is the demographic tool which lets you see which demographic – age and gender – is typing in that keyword more than any other?
Why is it important?
Well never before have you had so much rich data to use when marketing online…..or offline for that matter.
Knowing the different keywords that are associated with your products, services and brand and your competitors brands is important when you’re building out web or PPC keywords, content and ad copy.
But if you know what the audience that is most interested in learning more you can tailor your marketing accordingly.

Women aged between 18 and 25 are going to require a very different message than the kind you’d use to target a guy aged 50-65 so having a better understanding of who your customers are helps you come up with marketing that will resonate.
So download the Keyword Research Tool now and give it a whirl – you will NOT be disappointed!
We’re piloting the new version which has UK data at the mo so watch out for that on the adCenter Blog!