My mate Dixon Jones won’t be at SES San Jose this year 🙁
Dixon and I go way back to about 2002 when I was working at Looksmart. It was Dixon who got of the phone with my boss Rob Pearson and let the world know on WebmasterWorld that we were about to close.
When I surfaced at Microsoft in 2005, the SES London panel where I made my speaking debut on behalf of adCenter was where Dixon gifted me some comments during his opening address which enabled my presentation to begin with the immortal line:
“Microsoft…….Sexy……..I bet you’ve never heard those words uttered together in the same sentence before!”
Since then we’ve become great friends and always have a picture taken of the two of us where ever we are in the world!
I’ve got so many I thought I’d publish one a week until they run out!
First up is us at Kristjan’s Icelandic Internet Marketing Conference in November 2006
It was very dark in Reykjavik that week, which must explain why Dixon got dressed in that shirt!