Internet Conferences Archive

Newbie SEM With Greg Jarboe From SEO-PR.Com

 Greg Jarboe at SES Chicago 2007 (2)Won’t make it to SES Chicago this year. 🙁

I’ve done so much travelling in 2008 I’m hanging up my noise-cancelling headphones and staying in Blighty for December – right up until I fly to Seattle for Christmas that is!

One fellow who will be there is Greg Jarboe from SEO-PR. Greg is one of the nicest men in search. His warm and steady charm creates the perfect atmosphere to teach what can initially be quite a complicated – and dry! – form of marketing.

He’ll be giving the SEM Master Class for marketers new to the channel on the second day of the conference.

As someone who has been in the industry for eight years, I sometimes find it difficult to articulate the basics from a beginner’s standpoint, so I caught up with Greg in Vegas to ask three very simple questions…..


MelC – With the economy in such turmoil right now, I guess you’d have to work harder to encourage marketers to invest in a new channel. So how would you go about persuading newcomers to SEM that their time and energy will be well spent?

GJ – A recession is both a challenge and an opportunity.  The challenge is obvious: Marketers need to do more with less.  But the opportunity to is persuade marketers that investing in a new channel or technique will increase their marketing ROI.  For example, I recently spoke at the 2008 PRSA International Conference in Detroit. 

My topic was: What’s the ROI on Your Press Release?  And I shared some case studies of press releases that generated a measurable ROI. This includes optimized press releases that generated $200 million in qualified leads for Symmetricom’s chip-scale atomic clocks, more than $2.5 million in ticket sales for Southwest Airlines, and almost 1.3 million searches for “florists” on

I also explained how combining blog outreach with press release optimization generated a record 450,000 unique visitors to The Christian Science Monitor, more than 88,000 entries into Parents magazine’s cutest kid in America photo contest, and a record 1,100 attendees to the Wharton Economic Summit

The most effective way to persuade newcomers to SEM that their time and energy will be well spent is to show them the money.

MelC – Getting started is always a tad daunting so what advice do you have for folks taking their first steps in search?

GJ – Start by taking baby steps. 

You need to build a case that the ROI of search engine marketing (SEM) is significant.  So, start with a modest pay-per-click advertising campaign on Google, Yahoo! and  Microsoft adCenter. 

You’ll see measurable results in a month.  That can be leveraged to build the case for investing in search engine optimization (SEO), which may take a couple of months before you see a measurable ROI.  Then, you can build the case for press release optimization, blog optimization, and video optimization. 

But for all of these steps in search, measure results in website traffic, lead generation or online sales.  Ranking #1 may feel good, but it doesn’t make the cash register ring.


MelC – Once your campaign is live, what three things should one look out for, and concentrate on, in order to get the very best return on investment?

GJ – The first thing you should look out for is “clicks.”  How many clicks did I get? 

But, in order to get the very best ROI you need to concentrate on conversions.  What percentage of my clicks converted to leads or sales? 

Then, you need to move to ROI.  Where do I get the biggest bang for my bucks? 

Once you know which tactics or terms are generating conversions cost-effectively you can manage your entire marketing mix — from PPC ads, to SEO programs, to PR campaigns.

MelC – Thanks Greg and good luck in Chicago!

Shalom! – Some Photos From Israel & Rosh Pina

Landed early this morning in Tel Aviv, had a 2 hour cab ride to the Rosh Pina Festival, have met the local team and now am putting the finishing touches to my presentation!CIMG1911 5.30am Over Tel Aviv


Local office from the road 


Big Microsoft presence at the festival


Incredible views from the hotel!

Off to Rosh Pina in Israel Tonight!


Flying to Israel tonight to speak at the Rosh Pina Festival:

“Held in the picturesque Galilee in the northern part of Israel, Rosh Pina Festival, convening this year for the 9th consecutive year, is the most important annual media conference in Israel. In addition to the traditional renowned TV festival, this year the festival is going global and digital by launching an independent digital track.”

I’ll be speaking about digital marketing trends in Europe and showing a few fabulous demos.

Never been to Israel so am really looking forward to it, especially as I’m staying here: – just in case you want to get hold of me! 🙂

Back on Saturday and then off to PubCon on Sunday!

See you there?

SMX London – PubCon – SES Chicago 2008


In these lean economic times, even Microsoft isn’t mad enough to keep flying me back and forth across the pond at every drop of a Tweet, so I won’t be going to SES Chicago in December this year.

I will be there in spirit though, but will miss the insight, chat and revelry in the snow! There are some great speakers lined up and it’s not somewhere I’ve been before so maybe next year! 🙂


December will be a quiet month for me as we wrap up 2009 after what I’m sure will be some great times at SMX London and PubCon which I will be attending.


Check out the adCenter Blog in a couple of days for some insight into what we’ll be talking about in a couple of weeks in Covent Garden!

Public Speaking Tips To Improve Presentation Skills


What’s The Secret?

Let’s face it, presenting in public isn’t easy! Some say people’s fear of public speaking comes second only to their fear of death – so what’s the problem?

Well to some people it comes naturally. They seem to swan in, make people laugh, get their point across, inspire and get rave reviews.

People who are not so confident are immediately plunged in a quagmire of anxiety wondering how on earth they can compete. They fear the exposure and they are frightened of failure.

Well here’s the secret!

Every one of those great speakers rehearses! They think long and hard about what they are going to say and HOW they are going to say it.

They have TECHNIQUE!

I’ve now spoken at well over a hundred conferences, pitches, summits and events. I’ve always been determined to make it look easy and natural, because that way you put the audience at ease. If they are confident in your ability to guide them through your agenda, they can learn and absorb more deeply.

But making it look easy comes at a price. The cost is time, effort and practice!

How many times have you seen presenters who mumble, don’t seem to be aware of what the next slide is going to be, apologise all the time, riddle their PowerPoint with text, turn up late or simply look all at sea?

Here are some tips to help turn you into a wizard public speaker:

Timing – Try and Go First early-bird-cockerel

Try and influence whoever has asked you to speak to let you go on as early in the day as possible. We humans only have a certain attention span and it can wane by the afternoon. If it’s a conference or you’re on a panel with other speakers, going first gives you the opportunity to set the scene and get your thoughts and ideas out before anyone else does.

Very often content will duplicate, so you want to appear to have been the first to have thought about it. Also it helps your brand as subsequent speakers will almost always refer back to you when they speak if they make similar points.

Hearing someone from the competition saying “Just to back up what Mel was saying earlier……” is a beautiful noise! You can’t buy that kind of PR…..unless of course they disagree with you!

The caveat to going on early is if it’s a conference run over a couple of days, you might not want to kick off the second or third day as your audience may be listening to you through an alcoholic, bleary haze garnered from the previous nights partying.  Most people will have recovered by 11am though in order to hang on your every word! 🙂

Be Prepared – Get There Early

Never assume the technology will work! I once woke up at 5am before a live demo keynote, panicking that the venue wouldn’t be able to cope with my requirements, even though I’d emailed them in a fortnight before.

Sure enough internet access at the hotel was down, but luckily I’d started writing a back-up presentation at 5.05am that morning.

Get to the venue early, check out the space, meet the sound guy and tap through the presentation on the laptop to make sure there haven’t been any issues with compatibility.

If you turn up late you’ll look unprofessional, the audience will need a lot more convincing and the conference organiser will be looking for an alternative speaker for next year!

The Hook – Your Opening Line

image If you rehearse nothing else, make sure you know exactly how you’re going to start your presentation. Thank your introducer, thank the audience for being there and tell a story or a joke relevant to the subject you’re about to speak about. It might be about your journey to the conference centre, or an anecdote from the welcome cocktail party the night before.

You need a hook to draw people in and want to listen to you. Laughter is a great tension reliever and if you hit the spot your confidence will be at the right level to keep you going through your material.

On no account make any excuses! Delegates have not spent £1000s to hear you bang on about your cold or sore throat. They will be able to hear that you’re not well and will hold you in higher regard if you soldier on and get to the end with no fuss and bother.

If it’s the first time you’ve done the presentation don’t tell them that either. Let them hear it from someone else. They don’t need to feel they’re being practised on!

Be Relevant – Tailor Your Material

Make sure your speech means something to the audience. There’s nothing worse than hearing a speaker jabber on with little or no knowledge or understanding of who he’s talking to or where he is. Make it relevant. Call up the organiser and get filled in on the “local colour!” What are the issues the delegates want addressed? Are there any local considerations? What would they like to hear?

Projection – SPEAK UP!

If you mumble – forget it! You might as well be at the back of the room. If your delivery is loud, confident and enunciated you’ll differentiate yourself from everyone else. Don’t shout and be obnoxious obviously, but be clear and audible so the listeners don’t have to strain to hear you.

Your Deck – Making Power Points

The PowerPoint deck you use should be light on text and large on imagery. Your adoring public have come to see and hear you speak. They do NOT want to read paragraph after paragraph of text off a screen. If they have to read loads of words they’re not listening to you. They’ll get irritated and give up adoring you pretty sharpish. Your audience don’t want to work too hard either. If they like you, they’ll come up after and hand you their  image business card or sign up to your blog or newsletter. Promise to post a more detailed presentation somewhere or record and distribute a 10 minute podcast of the points you were trying to make.

The “So What?” Factor

Make sure people don’t walk away from your presentation saying “so what?”

You want them to have some “take away” points to think about on the way home. What have you told them that they didn’t already know? What have you told them that they now want to tell other people? What have they learned from you that they can begin to implement in their own lives or businesses?

The End

Make sure your talk builds to a crescendo or a natural ending. Too many presentations end abruptly, very often surprising the presenter themselves! You want those listening to remember your talk like a story with an intriguing beginning, a meaty middle and an actionable end.

Don’t take the wind out of their mental sails by shutting down shop just when it was getting interesting. Warn them you’re starting to wrap up. If their attention has started to drift, you’ll reign them back in to listen to your most important, final points.

Lastly – Enjoy It!

You’ve been asked to speak because someone thinks you’re good at something and have something interesting to say – that’s to be celebrated.

If you look like you’re enjoying yourself then the chances are the audience will enjoy your presentation with you! 🙂

Cost Per Monk Story From A4UExpo 2008

Joost has written a good sum up of a4uexpo and Dave has written about last nights dinner so I’ll write up my thoughts on my Media Week blog tomorrow.

In the meantime thanks for all the great feedback about Dixon, mine and Tor Crockatt’s presentation.

I was asked about the the opening of my talk so do read the Cost Per Monk story and feel free to mention it whenever appropriate!

It was great to meet even more SEO’s and internet marketers including Al Carlton, Patrick Altoft, Marcus Tandler, Todd Crawford who shared some great stories and tips over some great Thai food.

Big hand to Matthew Wood for a great show. Gawd knows how he felt this morning!

If you ever wondered what it’s like up there on a panel – see below!


That’s  Anthony Shapley in the front row holding the orange show program. He’s not just a talented SEO but an awesome photographer!

And it’s his 21st birthday tomorrow!

Dinner Next Week With Dave Naylor & Joost De Valk!


This is a picture of Gordon Ramsey’s place at Claridges in London 🙂

Now Dave has offered to buy some lucky winner AND a friend dinner next week while he’s down for A4U.

The newly married & exhausted Joost De Valk will also be there to add a bit of European sophistication to the evening’s proceedings because Dave and I are from England – not Europe!

All you have to do is leave a comment on Dave’s blog telling him why you want to have dinner with us!

Apparently Dave wants me to choose the venue – anyone got any ideas?

Photos From ad:tech London 2008


This was the queue in front of me to get in at 10.30am!


This was the queue behind me!


Luckily I was speaking in 30 mins so I called Karen, our marketing manager, who smuggled me in under a blanket…..which was nice!

It was a bit of daft organization though with so many people trying to get in out of the rain! Hope they fix that for next year…



Me speaking at the show about adExcellence! Are those Andrew’s teeth behind me?


ad:tech did have a different feel about it this year.

Maybe it was our stand, which I thought was awesome, and the fact that it was a real coming together of the folks from search, display, mobile, Atlas and drive PM under the big happy family brand we now call Microsoft Advertising!

Having been in the online advertising game for 8 years it was great to meet up and natter with so many old faces and friends.

I promise to set up and Looksmart and 24/7 Search reunion soon!

See You At ad:tech London


I’ll be in Earls Court for the next couple of days at ad:tech London so drop by Stand 293 where Microsoft Live Search and adCenter will be giving some demos and other stuff.

Catch me speaking on and adCenter at 12.30pm on both days in the free seminars as well!

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