Cafe Nero Coffee Wins Customer Service Award!

Phil Collins once told a story about how a bloke who lived in his village in Sussex knocked on his door asking for a loan. They poor guy had fallen on hard times and needed a few grand to see him though some debts. He promised to pay Phil back so, not knowing the guy at all really, Phil wrote a cheque never expecting to see the money again.

A few years later there was a knock on the door and the chap handed back the money and thanked Phil for helping him out. Collins’ faith and trust in human decency and honesty was enhanced, and it was as much a revelation for him as it was for the guy who asked for the money.

This morning I was walking through Victoria Station and ordered a black americano (marathon training!) from a very nice girl behind the counter at Cafe Nero. As her colleague was busy making it, I searched in my pockets for what I thought was a couple of quid, but slowly realised all I had was 75p. I apologised and said I didn’t have enough money. She shrugged and said it was OK.

As I walked off red & embarrassed she called me back and handed me the coffee! I explained I had no money and showed her the 75p. She smiled pointed at the tip cup (lined with coffee beans – nice touch!) and started serving the next customer.

I explained I’d be back tomorrow with the money and she said OK!

How often does that happen? What great customer service? Such a small gesture, but it set me up for the day, prompted me to write a post about trust and honesty and how it can be inextricably linked to business.

And now if anyone searches for something to do with Cafe Nero online they may well see this post and get a very positive impression too. 

Small, human gestures and nice touches can make all the difference – I don’t think we make enough of the these days! 😉


  • Andrew Girdwood

    One of the local places to go for lunch has my loyalty because they’ve been similarly kind to me.

    I was so hungry and so ever grateful when they let me go with the sausage roll!

    Competition opened up next to them, right next door, but I still head their way first because of their kindness.

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • MelC

    I’ve never been back to Yo Sushi! because they sent a rude letter to me after I complained one time about their service…

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • Ashley

    So did you bring her the money the next day?

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • nik

    thx for your comment. it was nice to hear this kind of appreciation from a customer. sorry forgot to introduce myself.
    i am nik workin for nero since 2006 @ heathrow. i like everything abt the company…this company is more like a family than an employee and employer. at airport we do get the odd one’s but often the smiling and happy one’s get us going all shift. thx again and hope if u visiting recently u can give either a start to the barista or fillup the nero survey to help us serve better.

    Reply Posted 14 years ago

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