The phone and Facebook’s been buzzing today with friends wishing me luck for tomorrow.
It was a bit touch and go yesterday. Feeling crappy all week with a cold, and the added stress of thinking I may pull out came to a hiatus in the afternoon. I’d like to thank Jamie for gently telling me I should get out and get some fresh air…….so I did.
The quick 2.5 miles was quite emotional as I looked back at Richmond Park while running through Sheen Gate, thanking it for looking after me for the last 5 months through the sunshine, wind, rain and snow.
I’ve never thanked a park before but it felt good!
I then went to register at the Excel Centre out in the Docklands. Anyone that’s in the search world knows it’s in the middle of nowhere! I actually got on the wrong train and ended up at City Airport.
As I was registering, which was very quick and easy, I met a bloke who’d just done his 11th marathon in 11 days, that coupled with having the only Brit to have run a marathon in every US state pointed out to me made me feel a little unworthy.
I got over it in about 5 mins and went of to catch up with Tim Starkey from The Sweatshop Running Store. Tim’s an old school mate and is going to run with me. He had a cold last week too and wants to “take it easy.” Well I’ve told him he will “take it easy” because I just want to get around. I think he may have something planned for me though so we’ll see! This’ll be his 8th marathon!
Anyhow after a good night’s sleep I’m feeling pretty good. If a 101 year old man can do it……I can.
I’d like to say thanks for all the support and the amazing generosity of my friends, colleagues and family – we’ve raise a whopping £3,293 which with Bill gates doubling it makes:
£6,586 or $13,000
Tomorrow morning at around 7am I’ll be going outside…………….and I may be some time! 🙂