Best Social Media for Business Presentation Ever?

This came 3rd in Slideshare’s competition for the world’s best presentations.

Wonderfully visual, full of current stats and helpfully frank and to the point, you could do worse than pass this around your business…..

……along with our Social Media White Paper (PDF) of course!


  • Brad Gosse

    This looks like a great presentation I would’ve loved to have been there for the actual talk 🙂

    Reply Posted 14 years ago
    • MelC

      Thanks for dropping by Brad! Yep agree it’d be nice to see it presented, but I love the way it’s so visual and yet so self-explanatory…

      Reply Posted 14 years ago
  • Johnny Gedye

    Awesome presentation – like you said Mel it’s pretty self explanatory – great stuff. I found myself talking (in my head!) through the slides!

    Reply Posted 14 years ago
  • Derek Moxier

    Wonderful presentation! I was really glad to find it here!

    Reply Posted 14 years ago
  • Leonardo

    Clean and neat Social Media Presentation..

    Reply Posted 14 years ago

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