Seattle Event: Tech Trends & Tips Mid-Summer Luncheon with Barokas PR


One promise I made to myself when we moved to Seattle, was to get stuck right into the tech/social/PR scene with aplomb.

I failed miserably at the last Social Media Club event because the bouncer wouldn’t let me in. I had my UK driver’s licence, but not my passport – required by Washington State Law apparently! ;-(

So next on my list is this lunch with my new-found local PR hero **Howie Barokas** who’s assembled a glittering line up of tech experts who’ll be imparting their considerable knowledge in a couple of weeks here in the rainy city.

In Howie’s words:

“Join Geekwire’s John Cook, Madrona Venture Group, Managing Director Greg Gottesman, Voyager Capital Director, Curtis Feeny, and Barokas PR, at the WAC on 8/16 from 11:30am-1pm.

This dynamic panel reviews what’s hot-or-not , thus  far in 2011 tech, and what the rest of the year may hold.

Barokas President (former JWT/P&G exec) Ralph Fascitelli shares ten cost-effective ways to build revenue in a tough market. Limited space, targeted to tech CEOs and CMOs.”

As it’s a lunch, I probably won’t need my passport, but the wife is due to give birth the day before but I’m signing up anyway just in case she’s early and I need to get out of the house!

Sign up here and see you there?

P.S. Take a peek at Howie’s blog – not the faint hearted! Winking smile

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