A Social Reply To The Daily Mail’s Liz Jones

One thing I can’t stand is when main stream media scaremonger and talk utter rot about social networking, online privacy and internet marketing.

My flight back from Seattle on Sunday was uneventful but I found myself slowly simmering having read an article on social networking and Facebook by one of the Mail On Sunday’s columnists – Liz Jones – in the BA lounge at SEA-TAC

I replied on my Media Week Blog – Liz Jones I Don’t Hate You But….

Let me know what you think here or there……


  • Jon Beeston

    Surely the bigger question is, “Why on earth did you pick up a copy of the Daily Mail and read it?”

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • MelC

    My dear Jonny – it was that or the Telegraph – I went for the shorter of two evils!

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • Ian Thomas

    Liz Jones really is one of the most appalling wastes of oxygen (and newsprint) around today in the UK. In the article she manages to be paranoid, self-absorbed, scare-mongering, and offensive to the dead student Laurent, all in a neat few hundred words. Way to go, Liz…

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • CM

    I have ‘watched’ this saga unfolding for a long time and felt compelled to stop buying the Mail/Mail on Sunday purely because of the content of Liz Jones’ columns. She is not wholly culpable, any editor/publisher that allows the publication of such rubbish should expect their readership to decline quickly and in droves.

    Liz claims that she is horrified and upset by the attack on her mailbox. If I was her I would sell up and leave now, or if she is so rich, just leave. This is the woman who has consistently evaded any contact with the real or adult world and condemns her ex-husband for being unfaithful. Liz has been unfaithful to a community and a way of life. She thinks that ‘splashing the cash’ is the answer accompanied by a ripping apart of peoples’ lives in print followed by claims that if she stops ‘splashing the cash’ then the community will decline. The woman is a disgrace and is probably the most unhappy individual that we will ever read about. She mitigates nothing only seeks to destroy and then plead that she is the victim. She has caused me to stop buying a newspaper that I thought I would buy for life. Publishers/editors take note.

    Reply Posted 16 years ago

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