iPod Instructions & Porridge on The Train!

My morning train ride from North Sheen to London Victoria can be a cacophony of sound and vision at times.

The commute itself is just 30 minutes and you have to change at Clapham Junction, but you do have lots to look at and hear, especially the odd balls that get on too.  


Not least the guy who boards the train with a bag containing a china bowl of porridge.

He begins to eat it with a metal spoon while reading the paper, oblivious to those around him wondering just how bad his time keeping and organisational skills are that he can’t even get up in time to have his breakfast.

Goldilocks he ain’t!   


Today I sat next to a guy who had printed out the instructions on how to use his iPod in colour and was reading them on the journey into work.

He was obviously very excited….. 

Bless! 🙂


  • Ludovic

    Only in England can one find an excentric eating porridge on the train -this is great!

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • Alice

    Actually, I’d say he’s extremely WELL-organised to have co-ordinated himself efficiently enough to have his porridge made and in a china bowl before boarding the train and eating it at just the right temperature… Clearly, he likes an audience for breakfast.

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • Alice

    Actually, I'd say he's extremely WELL-organised to have co-ordinated himself efficiently enough to have his porridge made and in a china bowl before boarding the train and eating it at just the right temperature… Clearly, he likes an audience for breakfast.

    Reply Posted 15 years ago

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